Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Lena Schmitt and with my TikTok account ‘catastic_kittys’ I am the strong advertising partner, that you are looking for.
TikTok is the essential advertising platform of today, as products can be introduced and presented without the classic feeling of ‘commercial breaks’ such as on television. Viewers are addressed directly during relaxed breaks on their smartphones and get encouraged to make a purchase.
As a marketing & concept strategist at the video production company INVINET, I use professional equipment and years of experience in advertising technology and marketing on the one hand and personal recommendations and a relationship of trust with my viewers on the other to create close ties between
customers and the advertised product.
From product videos, spark ads and discount codes to giveaways and much more, our cooperation can be organised in many different ways. Feel free to send me your wishes and ideas.
I look forward to a successful collaboration!
– 77% female
– 23% male
#stitch mit @SAiNO dieser Wäsche-Hack rettet deine schwarze Kleidung vor Katzenhaaren😻👚
1485856 Views in the last 60 days
published 22. March 2024
watch on TikTok
Schaufelst du immer noch täglich die kleinen Häufchen aus deinem Katzenklo?💩 Dann klick jetzt auf den Link in meiner Bio und spare mit dem Code „catastic20“ 20% auf deine Bestellung bei PetRhein
478697 Views in in the last 60 days
published 24. February 2024
watch on TikTok
Das Futter dort müsst ihr unbedingt stehen lassen! Was es sonst im Action noch so zu finden gibt zeig ich euch in diesem video🥰💙
148967 Views in in the last 60 days
published 29. March 2024
watch on TikTok
Pünktlich zum Start der Fellwechsel-Saison hab ich ein tolles Produkt für euch! Fellpflege ist soooo wichtig und endlich sieht meine Wohnung auch nach dem Bürsten noch ordentlich aus😻
85565 Views in the last 60 days
published 1. March 2024
watch on TikTok
PetRhein is one of our favourite companies to work with. Starting out as a small start-up, we collaborated with the young company for the first time in December 2023 – a complete success!
This led to many more collaborations in 2024.
By using a Spark Ad code, this one video alone drew the attention of over 500,000 viewers to PetRhein and its products. The video was saved and send almost 2,000 times.
Schaufelst du immer noch täglich die kleinen Häufchen aus deinem Katzenklo?💩 Dann klick jetzt auf den Link in meiner Bio und spare mit d…
541,1K – 2,4K – 261 – 1,1K – 804
veröffentlicht am 24. Februar 2024 – 11:10
Auf Tiktok Ansehen
Zuschauer Insgesamt
What is particularly striking here is how many new customers were addressed. This can be seen from the 41% of new viewers, but also 98% non-followers is evident. From the United Kingdom via South Africa to India – the popularity of PetRhein grew beyond the national borders!
The cooperation with Downy Paws started in October 2023 with a generous discount code. At that time, neither we nor our colleagues had heard of this brand – today that’s unimaginable!
Ein kabelloser Trinkbrunnen für nur 28,50€? Kein Problem! 💸😸 Spar jetzt mit meinem Code 50TYSONCOSMO unglaubliche 50%! DownyPaws h…
64,4K – 1,6K – 177 – 482K – 877
veröffentlicht am 28. Oktober 2023 – 15:08
Auf Tiktok Ansehen
Zuschauer Insgesamt
At the end of the cooperation, I asked about the sales figures and voilá: over 240 sales were recorded within just 7 days using the code generated in my name alone!
This is clear proof that advertising on TikTok with authentic and genuine recommendations is proven to boost sales. The number of products originally planned by DownyPaws had to be increased after just 24 hours!
Today, in countless cat households there is a drinking fountain from DownyPaws!
A result that truly amazes!
Bettys Landhausküche is also a successful example of brand growth through our cooperation. In September 2023, the brand was still a long way from where it is today. After a successful cooperation, a giveaway was planned together!
This incentivised end customers to test the new food on the market.
Anzeige | Betty‘s Landhausküche im Test😻 wir sind mehr als überzeugt! Und ihr?
19,3K – 763K – 59 – 64 – 188
veröffentlicht am 23. September 2023 – 09:06
Auf Tiktok Ansehen
The comments confirm once again:
that was a complete success!
Since then, Bettys Landhausküche is very well recognised for its high-quality cat food all over TikTok – and of course in your cats food bowl 🙂
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emily.bsk Das muss ich auch austesten 😻 2023-09 Antworten |
❤️ |
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Tabea 💞😈 Meine beiden würden sich sehr Freuen 2023-09 Antworten |
❤️ |
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Natsch vielleicht haben meine Babys ja Glück. die mögen das alte essen nicht, deswegen probiere ich aktuell rum 🥰 Das hab ich noch nicht getestet 2023-09 Antworten |
❤️ |
30-90 second long Video
Video- & Audiorecording
1 correction loop
Buyouts (transfer of video and audio rights)
not including:
Publishing on the TikTok profile “catastic_kittys”
Productlink in Bio (2 Wweeks)
linking the business profile to the post
30-90 second long Video
Video- & Audiorecording
1 correction loop
Buyouts (transfer of video and audio rights)
Publishing on the TikTok profile “catastic_kittys”
Productlink in Bio (2 Weeks)
linking the business profile to the post
and with our discounts you can save even more!
when concluding a production contract for several videos (product video and cooperation can be variably combined)
2 Videos = 5% discount
3 Videos = 8% discount
4 Videos = 12% discount
5 Videos = 17% discount
Bei Abschluss eines Produktionsvertrages bis zum 31.05.2024 erhalten Sie zusätzlich nochmal 10% Messerabatt obendrauf!
Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Ihre Anforderungen besprechen um Ihnen die bestmögliche Unterstützung bieten zu können. Ihr Erfolg ist unsere Priorität, und wir freuen uns darauf diesen zu ermöglichen!